About me

About Me

There is an adage that says ‘you can never go wrong with the basics’, which is why I often refer back to the basics whenever I code.
Work hard to find the easiest way to get the job done - a mantra I live by.
My web development journey began in high school with Delphi, on which I got to an intermediate level of programming. I learned more programming languages after high school including Java, C, C++, VHDL, and a bit of HTML and CSS; all of which I am at the beginner level. Python is the main language I work on, in which I am rapidly upskilling myself in.
As long as I can find logic in something, it is easy for me to grasp. This gives me an added advantage in problem-solving.
When I come across something interesting and challenging, I will find no rest until I accomplish it. I have found that I can crack anything after taking short break to clear my mind then getting back to it.
I have many great ideas that often can be achieved through programming. I believe that machine learning programming is an interesting programme that can be applied to the ideas that I have. Machine learning is as interesting as it is challenging, which is why I see it as a great opportunity to grow.



  • Python
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Jupyter
  • Git
  • Google Analytics
  • Delphi
  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • VHDL
  • HTML and CSS
  • Video Compiling


Data Wrangling

Data Wrangling

Data wrangling is the process of transforming data from one form (raw) into another format for easy access and analysis. Also known as cleaning messy and complex (dirty) data. Here we have data of accepted recuits containing their respective department and their results attained from the tests they took. The project's key concepts were: merging dataframes, filtering dataframes, manipulating rows and columns.

Data Wrangling



Data of all passengers that boarded the Titanic used to determine who would likely survive the crash with the iceberg with which features. Features like gender as females were prioritised along with children, ticket class bought depending on the ticket class the passenger got that would roughly determine where the passenger was from the life boats, and other features. Using supervised learning for the machine learning model. Logistic Regression the algorithm used to model.


Dice Game

Dice Game

Dice poker, playing poker with a die. The same rules of poker apply with a little twist, instead of cards. Without being limited by the number of the cards, one is able to attain a five of a kind. Imagine being able to change your hand if you do not like what you, even better, to be able to choose which values you want to change - a second chance to getting a better hand. There is a scoring system of which the player gets 100 points when the game starts, each round costs 10 points, game ends when player has less than 10 points. With that said player can quit the game at any point without reaching game over.

Dice Game

Youtube Video Downloader

Youtube logo

Bringing you the opportunity to download content from youtube, whether it is a single media or a playlist. The choice is yours; you also have the choice of choosing the format you want it as, should it be video or audio.

Youtube Video Downloader


Email: nkumaneandy@gmail.com